SMEC Power & Technology are pleased to announce trials of the Ventilation on Demand System utilising our Smart VOD System and Magnetek GP1000 M-Force 1000V VVVF Drives has continued to provide realised savings of 52.9% Aux Fan energy costs.


Released energy savings taken over 6-month periods – show with only six VVVF Drives with Smart-VOD operating 110kW fans have offered savings equivalent to 400,000 litres of diesel, as well as approx. 1070 tons of CO2 emissions avoided.


SMEC will continue working with the team at Westgold to continue providing increased savings throughout Westgolds’ operations utilising the Smart VOD systems’ autonomous control and the Magnetek GP-1000 M-Force 1000V VVVF Drive

Key Features to achieving these savings for Westgold

The Smart VOD system autonomously adjusts Aux Fans speeds to maintain the required ventilation, utilising the VVVF Drives to manage a range of energy consumption between 3% through to 100% across fan speeds.

Vent bag inflation is achieved with a minimum energy consumption of 3%.

Reducing the fan by only 20% to a fan speed of 80% of the rated RPM has seen as much as a 50% reduction in power consumption.

process efficiency

Energy Process Efficiency

Technology and innovation are core competencies of our business.

With a focus on improved productivity and reduction in energy consumption we have been able to assist our clients through energy process efficiency and ensure financial and environmental benefits.

Our businesses, Smart VOD and UPS VRSB, represent our extensive and proven capabilities on ensuring energy process efficiency for our client.

underground panels

Power Reliability

Power Reliability is a core competency of SMEC Power and Technology, with continual commitment, to consistently delivering the highest quality of products and services.

Optimising new installations, providing reliable power and future-proof electrical systems.

Our Kalgoorlie workshop offers Electrical Rewinding Apprentice Programs.



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Strategic partnerships and collaboration are essential to the business development. It is through continual collaboration with our clients that we can provide custom designed, energy efficient solutions with financial and environmental benefits.

We continue to work closely with technology partners, governments, local suppliers, community groups and industry leaders, this collaboration assists us in providing our client and community with new power efficient technologies.












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1 / 30 Renewable Chase,

Bibra Lake Western Australia

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OFFICE: +61 (8) 9417 1684